Exploring the Role of Physiotherapy in the Management of Respiratory Conditions: Techniques for Improving Pulmonary Function


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
pulmonary function
quality of life

How to Cite

Exploring the Role of Physiotherapy in the Management of Respiratory Conditions: Techniques for Improving Pulmonary Function. (2024). African Journal of Biomedical Research, 27(3), 1744-1751. https://doi.org/10.53555/AJBR.v27i3.4496


COPD and asthma are lung conditions that diminish lung capacity and diminish the patient's quality of life. The purpose of this investigation was also to find out whether implemented physiotherapy programs can enhance lung capacity and quality of life in patients with the aforementioned disorders. 120 participants between the ages of forty and seventy-five years were randomly divided into an experimental group of sixty patients who received physiotherapy for twelve weeks (physical therapy exercises, including breathing exercises, airway clearance techniques, and exercise training), and a sixty-patient control group. In this study, FEV1 and FVC were determined as well as 6MWT, mMRC Dyspnea Scale, and SGRQ scores were also assessed. The results of this study suggest that the intervention group had a greater proportional increase in FEV1 (15% vs 5%, p<0.01), FVC (12 % vs 3 % p<0.01), one point reduction in mMRC dyspnoea score, and 10 points improvement in SGRQ. The current results provide an understanding of the hypothesis that specific physiotherapy intervention may enhance lung parameters as well as the quality of life in patients with chronic respiratory disorders.

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