Mucociliary system and the importance of mucociliary clearance to respiratory disease such as airway epithelium, Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cilia, Ciliary beat frequency, Mucociliary clearance and Primary ciliary dyskinesia. Their aim’s to reduce airway obstruction caused by secretions occupying the airway lumen and so prevent respiratory tract infections, re-expand the collapsed areas of the lung, thus improving gas exchanges and decreasing the inflammatory responseActive cycle of breathing technique (ACBT), which utilises a combination of thoracic expansion exercises, breathing control (BC) and the forced expiration technique(FET) to maximize collateral channel ventilation and sputum movement, and which may be applied with or without GAD and manual techniques four weeks of Oscillating PEP therapy was well tolerated and there was improved Saturation of oxygen, Heart Rate, peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and the modified medical research council(MMRC) in both group of patients with flutter device and usual airway clearance technique. But significant improvement is recorded among the patients who received Oscillating PEP.
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