Mycological Study Of Rhinosinusitis In Post Covid-19 Cases In Tertiary Care Hospital


Fungal Rhinosinusitis
post covid-19



Coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19), caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus -2(SARS-CoV-2) is the leading cause of an emergency global pandemic.  There is an increase in secondary infection due to fungal isolates in post covid patients due to immunosuppression, increase use of higher antibiotics, immunosuppressant drugs. As they may endanger both vision and survival, so early diagnosis and therapy are essential for this early identification of fungal isolates in this patient is essential.



  1. To determine the prevalence of fungal isolates in post covid cases of rhinosinusititis.
  2. To compare the microscopy, histo-pathological findings in correlation with culture for the identification of fungal isolates in post covid cases of rhinosinusititis.


Material and Methods

This is a cross-sectional observational study conducted in the department of Microbiology. A total of 68 samples from patients clinically suspected to have Rhinosinusitis were collected and transported to Microbiology laboratory. The processing of these samples were done according to standard operative procedures for KOH mount, culture by using the culture media (SDA with and without antibiotic) and tissue stain for histopathology. Identification of the isolates was done by performing KOH mount, LPCB mount, biochemical tests and Slide culture (on PDA).



Out of 68 cases of Rhinosinusitis, 14(20.58%) were culture positive and 29(42.64%) were KOH positive for fungal Rhinosinusitis. On histopathological findings, 25(62.5%) cases were found to be of fungal Rhinosinusitis.   More number of cases were observed between age group of 51-60 yr. Mucor species (68.96%, 20/29) was the most commonly isolated, followed by Aspergillus species (10.34%, 03/29) and Candida species (10.34%, 03/29), Rhizopus species (6.89%, 2/29).



The fungal infection of paranasal sinuses are becoming common in post covid-19 patient. It is more common in immunocompromised patients with use of higher antibiotics, immunosuppressant drugs, as they endanger both vision and survival, so establishment of early etiological diagnosis and therapy is essential.

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