Management Of Vaipadika Kushta Through Ayurveda – A Case Study




In Ayurveda all skin diseases are studied under the heading of Kusta Roga. Vaipadika Kusta is categorized as one among the eleven type of Ksudra kushta. The main clinical symptoms of Vaipadika kushta is pani padaSputana (Linear cuts) and Teevra vedana1(severpain) in soles and palms as explained by Acharya Charaka, Acharya Sushruta also mentioned about Vaipadika Kushta with different Name as Pada dhari and this condition can be compared with Palmar and plantar psoriasis. The main Dosha involved is Vata Dosha along with pitta or kapha. Even though it is categorized under Kshudra Kushta it effects both physical and mental health of a patient. This article mainly presents a case of 43-year-old female with complaints of linear cuts with severe pain and blackish discoloration over palms and soles since 3 years, which was successfully treated with Shodhana and shamanoushadi’s for period of 2 months. Though it was chronic case but then patient was recovered within 2 months. This is an effort to show the brighter side of Ayurveda treatments in treating chronic skin disorders.

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