Background: The mental foramen is located in the body of the mandible, midway between the alveolar and inferior margins. It is usually in line with the longitudinal axis of the lower first premolar, second premolar, or first molar tooth. The average size of the mental foramen on the right side is 2.79 mm, and the average size on the left side is 2.57 mm. The shape of the mental foramen was described as oval or rounded. It transmits mental nerves, arteries, and veins. The mental nerve is a branch of the inferior alveolar nerve which supplies sensation to the lower lip, labial mucosa, lower canines, and premolars. The most useful injection for anaesthetizing the mandibular teeth is the inferior alveolar nerve block.
Materials and Methods: In present study we have used 150 mandibles, used only undamaged and clean mandibles. The mean transverse diameter, mean longitudinal diameter, the mean distance between symphysis menti and foramen on right and left side, the mean distance between mental foramen and alveolar margin on right and left side, the mean distance between mental foramen and lower border of mandible on right and left side were measured. We have collected data and calculated mean and expressed the form of Mean±SD.
Results: We have observed the shape of mental foramen, it was oval in 75% of cases. We have observed the location of mental foramen, it was found 76.84% in line with the longitudinal axis of the second molar teeth, 15.66% was present in between first and second molar teeth. In relation with location the mean distance between symphysis-menti and foramen was 27.52±6.18mm on right side and left side it was 31.42±4.26mm. It was found that, the mean transverse diameter was 3.84±1.26mm and the mean longitudinal diameter 3.26±1.18mm.
Conclusion: Morphometric evaluations of the mental foramen are important for dentists, surgeons, and anaesthetists because the correct localization of the mental foramen is critical for procedures such as periapical surgery, incision and flap thickness, and local anaesthetic administration.
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