Introduction: Female infertility is a complex health issue affecting a significant number of women worldwide Understanding the pathophysiology of female infertility is crucial for developing effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Case Presentation: This case report describes a 35-year-old female patient with secondary infertility and wanting to conceive through homoeopathic treatment. Her menstrual history revealed that she had regular menstrual cycles since her menarche. Obstetric history revealed that she had two spontaneous abortions in 2018 and 2019. She also had a history of one unsuccessful cycle of IVF in October 2019.
Methods: A thorough case history was taken, including a detailed exploration of the patient's physical, emotional and mental symptoms. Individualized homoeopathic remedies were prescribed based on the totality of symptoms.
Assessment and Follow-up: The patient's progress was monitored through regular follow-up visits, including assessments of menstrual cycles, ovulation, mental complaints and development of new complaints (if any).
Results: Sepia officinalis was prescribed, following which the patient experienced redressal of mental complains over time and after 11 months of treatment, she successfully conceived and delivered a healthy baby.
Conclusion: This case report demonstrates the potential efficacy of individualised homoeopathy in addressing female infertility. While further research is needed to establish definitive conclusions, the positive outcome in this case suggests that homoeopathy may be a valuable adjunct to conventional treatments for women struggling with infertility.

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