Efficient Lightweight Authenticated Key Management Protocol for Iot-Based Environment


Internet of Things
Elliptic curve
Hash algorithms

How to Cite

Efficient Lightweight Authenticated Key Management Protocol for Iot-Based Environment. (2024). African Journal of Biomedical Research, 27(3), 377-386. https://doi.org/10.53555/AJBR.v27i3.1948


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected objects that communicate by transmitting and receiving data. The assurance of data confidentiality while transmission across an unsecured network is contingent upon effective key management. Acquiring a authenticated key management strategy is challenging due to the high energy and computational expenses, despite the existence of several feasible key management strategies. In order to address this problem, various key management protocols have been proposed. These protocols aim to resolve the issue of having a single point of failure and ensure the security attributes of the current system are maintained.

In this paper, we propose a novel light weight key management mechanism for wireless sensor networks and its integration into the Internet of Things. A technique that requires authentication is implemented using elliptic curve and hash algorithms and presented efficient key agreement scheme for establishing session key. This method also offers the functionality of adding and removing clients, as well as ensuring the freshness of encryption keys. Experimental results and security analysis of proposed method is presented. Our scheme is an efficient and compared results with existing techniques.

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